Connecting you Always                                                                                                                                                                                                         为你连接无边际



GLOCALL is a technology innovation company which passionate a mission to:


Ø As Technology ENABLER - Independent of Phone Design / Mobile Technologies / Operation Platforms & Network Applications

Ø  We created a CROSS-Network service platform (GLMS) & let worldwide customers to enjoy cheapest/easiest overseas O2O servicess

Ø  Easy to use. Transparent & Seamless experiences to end subscribers



Our Advantage & Benefits brings to Mobile Operators:

     Redirect revenue from potential customers. Simplified inter-network settlement

      Develop new business even if you dont have roaming trade settlement with certain countries (like MNVOs)

      Activate the silent roamers (business opportunities aiming equivalent to 70% of travelers worldwide )


New Sales & Marketing model to benefits Operators when subscribers travel aboard

      Wholesale from GLMS resource pool, retail distribution locally to your end subscribers

      Subscribers always enjoy the lowest price bargain on spot


Our Coverage with our GLMS Partners connected:




Feel free to contact us:

文本框: PR China Office:
Room 1820, Unit A Jinmao Center 
No.18 Xizhimenwai Avenue, 

文本框: Indonesia Office:
Gedung Thamrin City LT1
Blok AB No.2 JL Kebo Ka Cang Raya

文本框: Vietnam Office:
Room 6-2 25/F
Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower 72

文本框: Hong Kong Office:
Room 720-721, Fat Lee Ind Bldg,
17 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong,
Hong Kong