GLOCALL is a technology innovation
company which passionate a mission to:
Ø As Technology ENABLER - Independent of Phone Design / Mobile Technologies / Operation Platforms & Network Applications
We created a CROSS-Network service platform (GLMS) &
let worldwide customers to enjoy cheapest/easiest overseas O2O servicess
Ø Easy to use. Transparent & Seamless experiences to end subscribers
Our Advantage
& Benefits brings to Mobile Operators:
• Redirect revenue from potential customers. Simplified inter-network settlement
• Develop
new business even if you dont have roaming trade settlement with certain
countries (like MNVOs)
• Activate the
silent roamers (business opportunities aiming equivalent to 70% of travelers
worldwide )
New Sales &
Marketing model to benefits Operators when subscribers travel aboard
• Wholesale from
GLMS resource pool, retail distribution locally to your end subscribers
• Subscribers always enjoy the lowest price bargain on spot
Our Coverage with our GLMS Partners
Feel free to
contact us: